Business Building

A new landmark building for the Spears School of Business will provide students more opportunities to think big, learn by doing and show the world we take the academics of business seriously.

Areas of Impact

When you support the Business Building, you help shape the future for Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the fund(s) below, you make our future brighter orange!

Grant Thorton SSB Building Fund

24-88900 - This Facilities Building Construction fund benefits facilities and equipment through the Spears School of Business.

BKD CPAs and Advisors Classroom Fund

24-87450 - This Facilities Building Construction fund benefits facilities and equipment through the Spears School of Business.

B. Curtis Hamm Marketing Office and Classroom Fund

24-83350 - This Facilities Building Construction fund benefits facilities and equipment through the Spears School of Business.

The new building for the Spears School of Business includes four state-of-the art classrooms, a 150-seat lecture hall, student team rooms, faculty-student breakout rooms along with other amenities that will facilitate the foundation for stronger programs, more effective recruitment of top students and faculty, and stronger recognition on the international stage.

Interactivity will be the key theme for the Spears School, and thus the building. The architects are designing spaces that support interaction among students and faculty. These spaces include formal common areas such as the living room and the ConocoPhillips Student Lounge, as well as informal spaces with comfortable, movable furniture where students and faculty can have impromptu conversations and meetings.

The classrooms are designed for flexibility and interactivity. The movable furniture will facilitate any number of configurations and incorporate small group exercises into class time. This reflects the curriculum's hands-on, experiential-learning approach designed to prepare graduates for success in the modern workplace, which often requires working collaboratively in small groups.

Interaction between students and alumni is another distinctive focus of the building, which will include space for alumni to spend entire days meeting with students in small groups or individually while still having workspace to stay connected to their offices.

To watch the progress of construction on the new Spears School of Business building, click here.

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Business Building Masthead 1

The new business building will help us create a vibrant atmosphere where people want to be, they will want to work together, and they will want to coexist.
Dean Ken Eastman, Dean of the Spears School of Business